Box and whisker plot matlab
Box and whisker plot matlab

box and whisker plot matlab

If None, then theįliers default to 'b+' If you want more control use theįlierprops kwarg. This is expectedīehavior and consistent with other statistical

box and whisker plot matlab

Notches will extend beyond the box, giving it aĭistinctive "flipped" appearance. Lower quartile or greater than the upper quartile, the In cases where the values of the CI are less than the How the locations of the notches are computed.

box and whisker plot matlab

See the entryįor the bootstrap parameter for information regarding The notches represent theĬonfidence interval (CI) around the median. If True, will produce a notched box plot. Flier points are those past the end of the whiskers. The whiskers extend from the box to show the range of theĭata. Upper quartile values of the data, with a line at the median. Make a box and whisker plot for each column of x or each boxplot ( x, notch=None, sym=None, vert=None, whis=None, positions=None, widths=None, patch_artist=None, bootstrap=None, usermedians=None, conf_intervals=None, meanline=None, showmeans=None, showcaps=None, showbox=None, showfliers=None, boxprops=None, labels=None, flierprops=None, medianprops=None, meanprops=None, capprops=None, whiskerprops=None, manage_ticks=True, autorange=False, zorder=None, *, data=None ) ¶ (That's what I did.)įor more information, see the function reference pages for startup and ¶ matplotlib.pyplot. You can also use the userpath function to change your user path location, if you don't like the default location chosen by MATLAB. '/Users/steve/OneDrive - MathWorks/MATLAB' Run the userpath function to see where that is. If you want to do this for each MATLAB session, put the call to set into a file called startup.m that is located in your user path folder. This default setting does not persist between MATLAB sessions, though. lines on a high-DPI monitor works a little better. After some additional experimentation, I found that using 1.5-pt. lines can make markers indistinct, and I can confirm that observation when not using a high-DPI monitor. Blog reader Gang Yao pointed out that using 2-pt. Update: Using a thicker line width might only work well for high-DPI monitors.

box and whisker plot matlab


For a full explanation of the MATLAB system for setting default graphics object properties, see Default Property Values in the MATLAB documentation.


This odd-looking line of code sets the default LineWidth property for line objects to 2.0. Here it is: set(groot, 'defaultLineLineWidth',2.0) It turns out that there's a way to get MATLAB to draw all plotted lines thicker by default. You can do that in each call to plot by using the LineWidth parameter, like this: plot(x,y1,x,y2, 'LineWidth',2.0)īut then you have to remember to add the LineWidth parameter all the time. So, I like to plot thicker lines, roughly 1.5-2.0 points. On a high resolution display, however, the plotted lines are pretty close to 0.5 points thick.Īnd, to my eyes, that's too thin to see the colors clearly. Because of the way the figure above was captured for display in your browser, the lines probably appear a little thicker than 0.5 points. Here's where I have to wave my hands a little. The plot above uses the default MATLAB line width of 0.5 points. Here's a basic example of plot from the MATLAB documentation: x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi) That's because I don't use the default line thickness for my plots. You would see something like this instead:ĭo you see the difference? Exactly what you see will vary depending on your computer and your display resolution, but the original image from my blog post has thicker colored lines. If you ran my code exactly as I posted it, though, you probably wouldn't see exactly the same thing. In last week's blog post on pursuit curves, I showed this figure: Today's blog post is dedicated to everyone whose eyes aren't as young as they used to be.

Box and whisker plot matlab