Intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64
Intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64

intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64

intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64

Write back to us with the status of the issue on the same post for further assistance.

#Intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64 how to

How to reset the computer to start normally after clean boot troubleshooting Windows 8/8.1 is applicable for Windows 10 as well):ĭisclaimer : Start the computer in normal mode refer the section, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 from the link below (The steps for clean boot suggested in the link below for Press Windows icon key on the keyboard and type Press Windows Key + R keys on the Keyboard. You can open the system configuration window in Windows 10: Uninstall button which will appear next to Organize option.Ĭlose the window and check if the changes are effective.Ĭlean boot by following the steps from the link below and check if the issue is resolved.Ĭlean Boot state helps in identifying if any third party applications or startup items are causing the issue. Select the program you want to uninstall and click on Uninstall a program from the same window. Press Windows key + X on the keyboard and select Uninstall the unwanted program, software, driver or an application fromĬontrol panel completely by following the steps below and check if the is resolved. If you have deleted the application but is still showing up on the PC means that theĪpplication is not completely removed from the PC. You may be facing this issue due to an unwanted application installed on your PC. We will assist you in resolving the issue. Thank you for posting on Microsoft Community.

Intel smart connect technology 3.0 x64